Childhood memories



A sound from in the distance
A piercing whistle's cry,
A flash of light and colour
The train has passed me by.

In a cloud of smoke and sulphur
The ashes, do they fly,
The memories of bygone days
Bring a tear to my eye.

Magnificent and powerful
These locos are in steam,
A source of inspiration for
Many a childhood dream.

The clatter in the goodsyard
As shunting carries on,
The sounds of railway business
Are virtually all gone


There's no more sound of shunting
I'm grieved to have to say,
Or clickety clack from joints in track
On welded permanent way.

No throaty bellow of exhaust
From 9F chimney top,
When signals give a right away
To pull off from a stop

No cheery wave from footplate crew
Or warmth on winter's day,
Within a soulless box on wheels
They go from day to day

Electric traction's quick and clean
We heard them proudly say,
So why is it that diesels
Are used every single day?

