A Glimpse from my past


In this issue I wanted to show you some interesting web sites from around the "South of the Border". Because that Ferret fellow seems to want to ram down our throats how wonderful "North of the Border" is, but you know as well as I do, that we have a lot more interesting places in the South than he does up North! (And if that doesn`t get some sort of response from him, I don`t know what will!) Hehe.

So as I sat here at the keyboard wondering where to start, I thought about the pastimes I used to enjoy when I was young. (Yes Ian, I was young once.)

So the first website we feature is of The Southampton Vikings Ice Hockey Club. It was a very sad day when they closed the old rink, and since then the kids have had to travel a long way to enjoy Ice skating again. I used to go 3 times a week to the old rink. Once was for training in the Vikings juniors, the other was for the matches on a Saturday evening, and then again on Sunday evening to meet my friends and have a good time. But when we did have Ice Hockey at the rink, it was all the best teams from around the country, and The Vikings were always at the top of the table which made for a great evenings entertainment.

The second website is about Southampton International Airport. I lived in the flight path of the airport, and it was only a short walk to the terminal from my house, so I used to visit it often. There have been a great many changes since I started going, now you can fly to any European Country from there. And I`ve seen many famous aircraft come and go from the airport. We`ve had the very first flights of the Spitfire from the airport, so Southampton has played it`s part in the history of avionics.

The third site is another passion I used to enjoy ... fishing. The River Test is rich in Trout and other fresh water fish, and being on the coast there are many places to try your hand at sea fishing as well. Because of the Isle of Wight, Southampton has two tides a day, so there are plenty of fish for every fisherman.

By Steve Evans
