How to Cast Spells



We at RIYAN Production accept no responsibility for any mishaps or Misfortune you may suffer while testing these Spells.
No member of RIYAN Productions condone Wizardery or witchcraft as a means of good or bad intent, Should you attempt to cast one of these spells and it goes wrong ... Then its your fault the Universe is destroyed ..NOT OURS.

Spell Casting

When preparing and doing spells be sure to visualize your intentions. The more positive energy you put in the quicker the manifestation time and also the results depend upon the energy you put in in to them. Now this does not mean you should focus on your goals until they manifest but only as long as you are working your magic spell. When you are finished burning your herbs and candles, release all the energy into the universe and ask for the universe to provide your answers or goals.

It is always good to remember that you are the creator of your life and are responsible for the outcome of your creations (KARMA). What goes around comes around. With that in mind I will continue.

First gather the herbs that have elements that will attract the desired results for whatever you are creating at the time. Some people like to grow their own and others are welcome to shop on- line at

Next I suggest a large stone or metal bowl for a safe place to burn the charcoal. It is best to use a mortar and pestal to mix your herbs in.

Focus on what you are creating while mixing the herbs. Preparation is very important for it is the foundation of the spell.

I like to write out my wishes or whatever I am asking for as though they have already happened, I visualize this also as I am writing. You don't have to use a special kind of paper but if you have parchment paper it is okay to use it. When you are finished writing, gather together the candles you wish to burn and be sure to use the proper color for whatever spell you are doing.

Example: I like to use white candles on the four corners of my alter, then I use the colored candles that represent the energy I am putting into the spell. You can use one or more colors of candles. I put these candles in the center of the alter. I use a pestal handed down from my Grandmother as a charcoal burner/ It is made of lava rock, and does get hot but the legs keep it off the alter. You can also put sand in a small metal bowl or rock bowl for burning your charcoal or use a piece of ceramic tile. I also set this in the middle of the alter and set the candles around it. Now you are ready to light your candles.

I use a separate candle to light the others. Lighting the white ones first I ask the white light to surround me and protect me as I do my spell. Then I light the colored candles being thankful for the manifestation of whatever I am asking for as though it has already happened. Next I use a pair of needle nose pliers to hold the charcoal over the fire of the candle to light it

The charcoal will spark and become very hot. Put the charcoal on the bowl or tile you have provided for it. Now mix your herbs one more time putting your energy into them and sprinkle it on the charcoal as you see the smoke rise see your desires manifesting. Repeat the sprinkling of the herbs until half of the mixture is gone. You can repeat your own mantra or prayer at this time also. You can now reread the paper you have written out your desires on. Do this out loud. You are putting energy into it this way. Now burn your paper and ask the universe to provide you with manifestation of your desired results. PLACE THE LEFTOVER HERB MIXTURE IN YOUR MOJO BAG AND CARRY IT WITH YOU.

Always end your spell with SO BE IT, AND SO IT IS.
