Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going.


Most of us regardless of personal choice in Computer Platforms, Eventually end up buying a PC. This can be simply because we require a Windows machine to allow us to work from home, Or perhaps pressure from your children, For School Work or just to play the latest games.

Regardless of the reasons for the Purchase, You will probably end up with a shiney New PC running one of the many versions of "Windows"

Windows ..The OS from Microsoft has recently had a Major update .. and their latest version has been hailed as there very best to date ...Windows XP.

Undoubtedly as always happens in the Computing World, Compatibility for older versions of Windows (95 - ME etc.) will disappear, and to remain at the fore front of the Computing world, we may have to concider upgrading to XP.

SO ...Is "Windows XP" all "Bells & Whistles" as advertised OR is there more to this Piece of Sotware than meet the Eye.

Michael Jemnnings is one man who has delved deep into the Microsoft Operating System, His article reveals some shocking truths about "Windows" and all of us who use a Microsoft Product or intend to upgrade to "Windows XP" Really NEED to read his Superb article.

Please Note:-

Michael's article is constantly being updated, and I suggest that , if you visit the article more than once, you should press Reload on your browser, so that you read the newest version, and not the version in your browser cache.

RIYAN Production would like to thank Michael Jemnnings for allowing us to publish this link to his article. Please when visiting his site, Read and understand the Copyright notices therein.

Ian C Fyvie : Editor- The CRYPT Magazine
