

History of OnyxSoft


OnyxSoft was formed during an examwork between Stefan Blixth and Daniel Westerberg. This examwork consisted of a equalizer box which was controlled by a software (GUI) on the Amiga. The work got the name : Amigalizer. Daniel made the electronic and Stefan did the programming.


The examwork was finished and presented and got pretty much attention from the audience. This year, the first program was released. This was Detris, a Tetris clone that worked in a window on Workbench.


This year, the first really useful tools was released. BookCon, DRemind and DECH was some of the tools that was presented and we got very good response from all over the world (which got us to create even more tools).


This year, the first mailing list was created and a proper homepage was established Our software started to appear i magazines and on a lot of CD's. We got a lot of response from users that liked our software. We also got a lot of ideas from users and released a lot of new software : OnyxBase, FileCleaner, 8SVXtoXXX and TIPic is just some of those.


OnyxSoft got a new member : Anders Ericsson, which had a lot of new ideas. We now got our own domain : www.onyxsoft.nu and the number of hits started to increase since we released a number of new (cool) titles this year, like : TheMPegEncGUI, MultiRen, QuickNote, 3D-ObjectED and a lot of totaly re-written programs. Our programs has now become very common in magazines and some even won prices ;-)


Jon Peterson makes a show report for us from The Gateway Computer Show-Amiga 2K in St. Louis This made our homepage to achieve more than 4000 hits in a couple of days ;-), thanks Jon! The year was pretty busy by all sorts of projects, many updates where presented but no real new product or major release... (They are on the way) ;-)


A very busy year that have resulted in few updates, but we are trying our best to fill the gap. We are heading for the next generation Amiga, so you can count on us for the future :)


More to come...

Editors Note:

Quicknote has featured in the CRYPT Magazine several times. For details and Downloads please visit the OnyxSoft Website:

