


As you know from my last Editorial, we were in the middle of moving The Crypt to it`s very own server so everything would be in the same place and we wouldn`t have to rely on the generousity of others for much wanted web space. Well, things went very smoothly with just a slight hiccup that I hope you didn`t notice. And in the end I`m sure you will agree that it`s all been worthwhile as it makes things a lot easier for me linking all the issues together and not having to remember who was hosting Issue so and so this time :)

So as the year draws to a close, what do we make of 2002? Was it a good year for you?

Personally it was a very good year for me, celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. Both the boys have left school now and have settled down into their jobs, and hopefully things will get even better for the coming year. So here`s to happy Cryptmas and a prosperous New year, and thanks for making the magazine your regular read.

If an article catches your eye, or there`s something that you disagree with in the Crypt then write to us and let us know, we like to hear from you and will reply to all of them.

Steve Evans
