
We don't usually get a new Portal version released 'only one week' after the last, but none the less it's happened. For those of you new to 'upgrading' see below on what to do....

Summary of Version 237

1) How To Upgrade Your Portal
2) Cut The Chitter Chatter
3) Server Operation Requesters
4) 3dVoiceChat Bug Fix
5) 3dVoiceChat Wallpaper
6) 3dVoiceChat Security
7) 3dVoiceChat Lighting The Speaker
8) New SkinBadges
9) Game Prices Rise

1) How To Upgrade Your Portal

- First make sure you have disabled any download assistance programs such as DAP, GetRight or Real Download as they mess up the Portals Upgrading function. Then run your existing Vulcan Portal, open the Upgrade Applications Panel then click the Upgrade Vulcan Portal button. Sit back, relax and let the Portal do it's thing. As usual, any problems let us know.

2) Cut The Chitter Chatter

- This version has a new button from within the Guides Preference Panel, it allows you to turn 'on or off' the Incidental Chatter that takes place between your guides and the Lizardians. Thus making all the Vulcan Server operations faster, if turned off.

3) Server Operation Requesters

- Almost all of the Portals features that require connection to the Vulcan Servers now present you with a detailed explanation of what is going to happen, along with a Yes - No option to proceed. If desired, these Server Operation Requesters can be turned 'on or off' from within the Guides Preference Panel.

4) 3dVoiceChat Bug Fix

- This version has fixed a bug in 3dVoiceChat, in previous versions, if you opened your cell, portalites would come and go with no problems. However, if you joined someone else's cell, then you may have experienced portalites staying visible in the cell well after they had really left. This of course messed things up when new portalites joined the cell as you may never see them join, due to an old portalite filling their space. This version has now fixed that bug and uses back up messages for portalites departing cells.

5) 3dVoiceChat Wallpaper

- This version has five new wallpaper designs to choose from, for your cell when launching a 3dVoiceChat session. And a bigger thumbnail image of them from within the 3dVoiceChat Panel.

6) 3dVoiceChat Security

- This version now goes through a security check to ensure that only a registered users of the Portal can create or join a 3dVoiceChat session. Also it double checks that speech and Mother3d is enabled first.

7) 3dVoiceChat Lighting The Speaker

- This version has a brighter light that shines on the persona who is currently speaking in a 3dVoiceChat session.

8) New SkinBadges

- And finally this version offers two new SkinBadges, one for the Student Union and one for the Outlaw Immortal SkinClans.

9) Game Prices Rise

- The Valhalla Classics and Timekeepers games, are due for a price increase. Each pay to play, episode or world will be increasing from 2.50 (UK sterling) to 4.00 (UK sterling) on the 6th December 2002. The price increase is due to natural inflation and increased credit card processing fees. This sterling price roughly translates to $4 (US dollars) increasing to $6.40 (US dollars) per world or episode. If you want to take advantage of this current low price for the existing range of games, then we suggest you order the games through the appropriate panel, before 6th December.

Live Long & Prosper!

Vulcan Portal is copyright (c)1994-2002 Vulcan Software Ltd. (UK)
