Blonde Talk

Submitted by Barry Walker


A blonde and a brunette are running a ranch together in Louisiana.  They decide they need a bull to mate with their cow to increase their herd.  The brunette takes their life savings of $600.00 dollars and goes to Texas to buy a bull.

She eventually meets with an old cowboy that will sell her a bull.


"It's the only one I got for $599.00, take it or leave it.", the cowboy says.

She buys the bull and goes to the local telegram office and says, " I'd like to send a telegram to my friend in Louisiana that says:  Have found the stud bull for our ranch, bring the trailer. "

The man behind the counter tells her, "Telegrams to any where in the U.S. are $0.75 per word."


She thinks about it for a moment and decides. " I'd like to send one word, please."

"And what word would that be?", inquires the man.

" Comfortable.", replies the brunette.

The man asks, "I'm sorry miss, but how is your friend gonna understand this telegram?"

The brunette replies, " My friend is blonde and reads REAL slow, when she gets this, she will see "

