
The Domino Column


Hi Pups.
    Well almost Clickymas again, the time of good food and prezzies.  I love this time of year, Not only do I get a decent dinner  (For once)  but there is all those lovely leftovers.

This is also the time of parties.  Parties when all your friends come around and feed your doggie titbits ...Yum Yum.  Not forgetting all the stuff that gets dropped on the floor ...Some fool stood on my nose last year as I was trying to reach a crisp, Dangerous profession scavenging.

One thing for sure ...I won't be touching that brown liquid stuff that you lot leave lying around ...No SIRREE .. tried that last year and fell off the couch three times ...felt terrible in the morning.

Now talking of Parties.  Some do and don'ts for you.

Party Poppers :-  Good fun but unwise to try inserting them up your pets anus before pulling the string  (Unless you have a cat)

Christmas Crackers and Tinsel :  Not to be tied around a dog collar.  It might make us look pretty but it tickles  (Its perfectly acceptable to hang cats from the ceiling with it).

Champagne :-  Dog are naturally curious animals. Check the dog is not underneath you when you open the Champers ...I got a right soaking last year  (For a perfect party game try knocking the cat off the mantelpiece with the cork).

Washing machines :- Remember that timid pets like cats dislike all that noise and fuss ... They like to find a quiet place to hide.  So leave the washing machine door open for them.

Don't stick you face in the machine the next morning, You might frighten it.   Just stick it on to a boil wash and go out for the day :)

Well have a happy and safe Clickymas.


