

Wedding Reception – What? Again?

Howdy folks, well, after yonks of not doing now't for our mag I decided that I might do the odd article here & there.

This one is based on my 3 marriages, but mainly based around my latest to my gorgeous black 35 year old wife called Doris (no sniggers please). You did read right, I did say SNIGGERS…

(Doris)..Steve my love, supposing I forget the words that we have to say, how will I manage?

(Steve)..Don`t worry love, I know them back to front & inside out because I`m on my 3rd marriage (my last I hope).

(Doris)..Supposing the Registrar falls sick & they`ve got no backup registrar`s, wot will we do?

(Steve)..Don`t worry my love, I`m so skilled at this lark now, I`ll stand in a registrar & also be your best man at the same time..

(Steve)..In fact babe, I`ve done this so many times now, that they sometimes ask me to stand in for one of them sometimes…

(Doris)..Oh, so you know how to perform the ceremony & you also know wot to say…

(Steve)..Yeh Right, I wrote the book about weddings…

(Doris)..So, there`s a book about it?

(Steve)..Yep love, it`s called “Let`s go round again & again & yet again..

(Steve)..I`m so good at it I think that I could plan a whole wedding, marry myself & perform the ceremony, & drive me to the hall to have my own wedding reception, then take me on my honeymoon, but I don`t know wot I`d do about consummating the marriage, although I have been told on many occasions to go & F&^K myself…hmmm, maybe I`ll have to try that someday…

This is the best that I can do for now, hopefully it`ll get better, but if it gets worse, then I`m in trouble..

Bye folks….Dr Jekyll..

