

Copy and Paste Keyboard Shortcuts


Highlight text with the mouse.  Instead of clicking Edit on the menu and then Copy, hold down the ctrl key and press the letter c.   That will copy the highlighted text.

Click where you want the copied text to appear.  Instead of clicking Edit on the menu and then Paste, hold down the ctrl key and press the letter v.  That will paste the copied text.

Erase Text Quickly

Ctrl+Delete deletes text from the insertion point to the end of the word.  For example, if you want to delete three words in a row, click before the first word, hold down the Ctrl key and press and release the Delete key three times.

Where this command is especially useful is when you want to erase part of a word.  It is not easy to highlight part of a word, so you would have to press delete or backspace each character.  Here's an example of how ctrl+delete will work better:   If you want to change the word northwest to northeast, click to place the insertion point between the h and w in northwest, hold down the Ctrl key and press and release the Delete key.

Similarly, Ctrl+Backspace deletes words to the left of the insertion point.

© RIYAN Productions
