

Cut, Copy and Paste


Computers are superior to typewriters in many ways.  For example, whenever you write something, you may want to rearrange the words, change the order of what you've written or repeat something.  Besides the many formatting options in most programs, you can reorganize the contents of your document in any way you wish by using the Cut and Copy functions.

These commands put the piece of data in a temporary location.  In word processing, for example, copying refers to duplicating a section of a document and placing it in a buffer called a clipboard.  The term copy differs from cut, which refers to actually removing a section of a document and placing it in a buffer.  After cutting or copying, you can move the contents of the buffer by pasting it somewhere else.

Cut and Paste is used to move a block of text, a sentence, paragraph, page or column to another location in the same document or another document.  Copy and Paste leaves text in its original location while placing a duplicate in a different location in the same document or another document.

The Clipboard is an area of memory reserved for temporary storage of text or graphics being transferred within the same file, between files in the same application program, or between applications.  Material placed on the clipboard remains there until it is replaced by another selection, or the computer is turned off or restarted.

The Four Steps

1.  Select text to be moved
2.  Click Edit, Click Copy or Cut
3.  Move insertion point to location text is to be moved to
4.  Click Edit, Click Paste

Using Copy, Cut and Paste

1.  Open the document and select the section that you want to copy.  (Note: to select text, point to the first character to be selected, hold the left mouse button down, and drag across text. To select a graphic, right click on the graphic, left click on copy in the resulting menu.  To select a graphic you created, click Edit, Click Select All.)

2.  While the section is selected, open the Edit menu and click Copy or Cut.  This copies the selected material into a special area of the computer's memory, called the Clipboard.  (Note that with Copy, the selection also remains where it was in the document; it doesn't disappear.)

3.  Move your cursor to the place or document where you want to paste the material that is now in the Clipboard.  Click when your cursor is in the correct spot.  A flashing line will appear where you clicked.

4.  Open the Edit menu and click Paste.

© RIYAN Productions
