Backup in Windows XP Home

We must ask the question :-  Why  oh!  why!  did Microsoft not include the Backup utility in XP Home?  Are home users any less likely to require a back up of their systems than people using XP Pro?

I suppose technicallty speaking - Microsoft did include it - It is on the XP Home CD. You can find it here : \VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP.

Now before you run off and check your CD, Remember that if the CD you have is actually a Vendors .. Or one of these re-Install disks, You might not have the NTBACKUP. Several companies didn`t include the actual source code for XP.

So if you are one of these poor Sods that have been,  Fobbed off with the Substandard XP Re-Install disk - Never fear - Don`t tell anyone!  But you can download a copy here download a copy

Happy Back Up.

© RIYAN Productions