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 Hardware Access Using The AmigaBASIC And ARexx Interpreters.

                                   Part 2.

  In this article will be turning the Audio Filter ON/OFF and the power
  light also. This can be used to make any simple samples sound ~BETTER~.

  Again it will be in AmigaBASIC first then ARexx. Have fun and ENJOY
  simple solutions to often difficult problems... :)

  Enjoy... :)



  1) DISCONNECT any faulty equipment under test from the MAINS supply.
  2) If a DC supply is used do NOT reverse polarity the connections.
  3) Do NOT power up any electronic item until it is safe to do so.
  4) CHECK and RECHECK all of your construction and repair work thoroughly.
  5) Handle ALL tools used with care.
  6) Beware of ALL types of solvents, glues and etching fluids.
  7) NEVER leave a soldering iron switched on unattended.
  8) KEEP everything OUT of the reach of small children.
  9) Switch OFF the AMIGA before connecting any hardware.
 10) And finally read 1) to 9) again.


    Set = Logic 0.
  Reset = Logic 1.


  The Audio Filter:-

  The AMIGAs audio filter is the next simplest of the low level ~register~
  accesses. This register sets/resets a bit to turn on/off the power light
  AND the audio filter at the same time. This is a little more tricky as
  more than one address/register has to be altered and you need to know
  which ones, and why. CAUTION is required from now on and in future
  issues of the magazine.

  Although the 'ddra' register is 'changed' in the AmigaBASIC version I
  have ignored the same register in the ARexx version as it is set
  correctly during bootup. Therefore there is no reason to access it at
  all for these demos'.

  Notes For This Article:-

  CIA[A/B] == Complex Interface Adaptor [A or B].
  CIAADDRA == CIAA 'data direction register "a"'.
  CIAAPRA == CIAA 'programmable register "a"'.
  ddra == 'data direction register "a"'.
  pra == 'programmable register "a"'.

  AmigaBASIC Code:-

10 REM This is a simple keyboard switch to turn the audio filter ON/OFF.
20 REM Each line/part has a comment above it as to what it does.
30 REM Use the AmigaBASIC interpreter's window for DEMO purposes.
40 REM Public Domain, 2006, from B.Walker, G0LCU.
50 REM Registers CIAA ~ddra~ and CIAA ~pra~ will be accessed for this task.
60 REM Register CIAA ~ddra~ is the data direction register, 1 = OUTPUT.
70 REM Register CIAA ~pra~ is the programmable register we use for the filter.
80 REM Register CIAA ~ddra~ is 12575233 decimal, (0xBFE201 hexadecimal).
90 REM Register CIAA ~pra~ is 12574721 deciaml, (0xBFE001 hexadecimal).
100 REM Register CIAA ~ddra~ has to be set to write to CIAA ~pra~ Bit 1, the LED.

110 REM Save register values.
120 LET ddra=12575233
130 LET pra=12574721
140 LET valddra=PEEK(ddra)
150 LET valpra=PEEK(pra)

160 REM Set CIAA ~ddra~ to write on bits 0 and 1, the bootup default.
170 POKE ddra,3

180 REM Clear the running window.
190 CLS

200 REM Create a simple menu.
220 PRINT " Filter switching demo, press:-"
240 PRINT " ~l~ to turn on audio filter and power light."
250 PRINT " ~L~ to turn off audio filter and power light."
270 PRINT " ~Q~ or ~q~ to Quit."

280 REM This is the main loop.
290 LET a$=INKEY$
300 IF a$="l" THEN POKE pra,252
310 IF a$="L" THEN POKE pra,254
320 IF a$="Q" OR a$="q" THEN GOTO 350
330 GOTO 290

340 REM Cleanup and Quit.
350 POKE pra,valpra
360 POKE ddra,valddra


  ARexx Code:-

/* Direct HW programming using ARexx; the audio filter switch. */
/* Run from a Shell or CLI only, type 'RX Audio-Filter.rexx[RETURN/ENTER]' */
/* without the quotes. Bit 1 of register 0xBFE001 is set to 1 to turn the */
/* filter OFF and set to 0 to turn the filter ON. The 'ddra' register for */
/* this facility is set up correctly during bootup so no need to alter it */
/* at this point; this 'ddra' register is 0xBFE201 and is set to 0x03. */

/* Set up any constants or variables. */
  copyright='9'x'$VER: Audio-Filter.rexx_Version_1.00.00_20-09-2006_(C)G0LCU.'

/* Use ECHO for ordinary printing to the screen and SAY for printing results. */
    ECHO 'c'x
    SAY copyright
    ECHO 'a'x'd'x'9'x'9'x'1) Audio filter and power light bright or on.'
    ECHO '9'x'9'x'2) Audio filter and power light dim or off.'
    ECHO 'a'x'd'x'9'x'9'x'3) Quit this program.'
    ECHO 'a'x'd'x'9'x'9'x'Type in a number and then press ENTER/RETURN:-'
    PULL number
    IF number='1' THEN CALL lighton
    IF number='2' THEN CALL lightoff
    IF number='3' THEN CALL getout

/* Turn the audio filter and power light on or up. */

/* Turn the audio filter and power light off or down. */

/* Exit the program safely. */


There we have it, direct hardware, 'banging the metal', access in two
different languages issued FREE with the OSs of the day.

The next thing we will access is the classic AMIGA Games/Joystick Port
coupled with simple projects that can be built from ages 10 to OLD(E)... :)

Reading pin 6 of this port will described first along with a simple project.

This will be in the next issue of the magazine as 'HW_ACCESS_PART3'.

I will NOT be including the Mouse Port as this is usually in USE at all
times and for all intents and purposes is 'out of bounds'.



    The Legal Stuff:-

    These programs are Freeware and no profit will be made from them,
    also all of the files must remain unaltered and intact including this
    one. The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
    failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of these
    programs. There is NO warranty with the use of these software releases


    Testing Evaluation:-

    An A1200(HD) in 2MB, 6MB and 10MB modes using trapdoor memory AND/OR
    PCMCIA memory expansions. Also tested on an A600(HD) in 2MB and 6MB
    modes. All test conditions were/are running STANDARD KS2.0x to 3.1x,
    and using standard ~topaz 8~ fonts throughout.

    I have no idea what a strange configuration setup will create so refer
    to the ~The Legal Stuff~ above.



   Mr Barry Walker, G0LCU.

   Email:-     wisecracker@tesco.net
   URL:-       http://homepages.tesco.net/wisecracker/G0LCU.HTM

   Author of the ~TestGear?~ projects in the ~docs/hard~ drawer of AMINET.


   A very useful HardWare related site, (C) Anthony Hoffman, for
   modifications, schematics, repairs and the like is:-



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