A page for Image2BBC, the BBC Micro image conversion software, has recently been created on Facebook. For the latest news and updates, please visit https://www.facebook.com/Image2BBC.
Tag Archives: macos x
Colour Filter Test Tool Updated to Version 1.2.1
Colour Filter Test Tool, a tool for applying colour filters to images and photographs, has been updated to version 1.2.1 and released for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
Changes from previous versions:
- Numerous optimisations and refinements made to the image processing functions.
- Image preview window is now centred as opposed to always being in the top-left corner.
- Bug fixes.
New Versions of Colour Filter Test Tool Released
Colour Filter Test Tool, a tool for applying colour filters to images and photographs, has been updated to version 1.1 and released for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
Colour Filter Test Tool can be downloaded via the following links:
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