All posts by Francis Loch

Review of Image2BBC on Acorn Electron World

This is actually an old review of one of the previous incarnations of my Image2BBC utility (a.k.a. BBC Micro Image Converter), but I thought that I would add it anyway. You can read the review here

If you are easily offended be warned that there are some nude pictures at the bottom of the review.

Issue 56 of The Crypt Mag is released

Issue 56 of The Crypt Magazine was released at the end of June. You can read part 5 of my image processing algorithm series.

You can read issue 56 of The Crypt Mag here.

Glasgow Necropolis photographs

I took my new digital camera up to the Glasgow Necropolis to try it out.

Go to the Photographs page to have a look.

Francis G. Loch mentioned in Micro Mart

Guess who was mentioned in the computer magazine Micro Mart? Yep, yours truly!

Click here to read the articles.

I get a mention in part 2 (Micro Mart Issue 1053) for my work on my BBC Micro Image Converter.

U3 Killer released

U3 Killer has been released for Windows 2000, XP and Vista platforms. This is a utility designed to kill the U3 software which can automatically run when a U3 smart flash drive is inserted and will remove files installed by the U3 software from the PC.

Please note that U3 Killer only kills the running U3 tasks. It does not uninstall the U3 software from the flash drive.

BBC Micro Image Converter released

BBC Micro Image Converter BETA has been released for Windows platform. This is a utility to convert BBC Micro screen dumps into BMP images.

OS4Reboot updated

OS4Reboot has been updated to version 0.7.2. This fixes a minor bug and has also been compiled using the latest VBCC and AmigaOS 4 SDK.

New sections added

A couple of new sections, Gallery and Auctions, have been added to the website.

OS4Reboot updated

OS4Reboot has been updated to version 0.7.1. This is a minor update with a few optimisations done to the code.

Clock animation updated

The clock 3D animation has been re-rendered and re-encoded to make it a smaller file.